KITSUNE - Trading Bot
What is KITSUNE, and how does it work?
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What is KITSUNE, and how does it work?
Last updated
Since the launch of FUNDED, the community has been keen to copy the proven traders on FUNDED and share in their success. KITSUNE assesses and tracks the best traders on FUNDED, while aggregating funds across a number of traders to drastically reduce the risk of liquidation. Many trading platforms offer copy trading, allowing users to copy traders based on their recent performance. Trading is risky, whilst the trader being copied can deliver profits for the copy trader, there is always a risk of liquidation and loss of funds. How are Traders selected? KITSUNE reviews traders real time, assessing performance over a minimum number of time, while assessing other factors such as consistency. Once a trader has met a minimum criteria, KITSUNE will copy their trades, if the trader starts to perform badly and fails their challenge, the bot will cease copy trading that particular account, until it meets the performance requirements. Can KITSUNE lose? Yes, while KITSUNE uses a logic which greatly reduces the risk of liquidation, trading is risky, with even the best traders experiencing losses from time to time. KITSUNE does not make any independent trading decisions, reflecting the proven FUNDED traders profit or loss. How does KITSUNE mitigate the risk of me losing my funds? By spreading funds across a number of qualified traders, KITSUNE reduces the risk of liquidation by up to 85% versus standard copy trading. When some traders inevitably experience losses, this can be mitigated by others that have delivered a profit in the same period - balancing the risk. How are profits generated? When USDC is deposited into KITSUNE, the KITSUNE token is minted by the smart contract. USDC will be split across multiples accounts to aggregate performance while spreading risk. The KITSUNE bot will calculate the net balance of USDC at the end of each EPOCH, an EPOCH is dynamic and begins every time there are no KITSUNE trades open. The value of KITSUNE is dictated by the supply of KITSUNE vs the balance of USDC, updated as each epoch ends. If you deposited $100 USDC and received 100 KITSUNE, you have deposited at a value of 1 USDC = 1 KITSUNE. If the value of KITSUNE were to increase to 1.05 USDC, then KITSUNE has increased by 5% since your deposit. If you do not withdraw any USDC, your balance is automatically compounding. How do I deposit/withdraw funds? You may deposit through the UI coming soon! Just simply connect your wallet and deposit USDC, the smart contract will mint you KITSUNE tokens at the current value. You will need to request to withdraw funds through the UI, as KITSUNE has an unrealized value while an EPOCH is active your request will be processed once the current epoch ends. Following the end of the EPOCH, your requested balance will be available to withdraw, at the value of the last epoch. Example: UI Below Fees Trading fees will be applied as per the current fee structure on FOXIFY, 0.1% open and 0.1% close. 30% of all fees generated by KITSUNE will be used to buy the FOX token and deposited into the ebFOX pool, as rewards for all ebFOX stakers. Management Fees Most platforms charge a flat fee of 20% of any profits generate for copy trading. We are currently considering the fee structure - in the short term - no management fee will be applied. Deposit Bonus Periodic bonuses will be provided for depositors into KITSUNE, this may be in the form of third party incentives, native tokens or USDC - Any bonuses will be communicated in due course.